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The project

Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Society for Nature Conservation) is going to restore one of the largest freshwater lakes in western Europe by constructing islands, marshes and mud flats from the sediments that have accumulated in the lake in recent decades. These 'Marker Wadden' will form a unique ecosystem that will boost biodiversity in the Netherlands.

Marker Wadden

To address these problems Natuurmonumenten has initiated the Marker Wadden project. We will use the sediments from the Markermeer to construct spawning areas, islands and natural shores such as wetlands and beaches. Bringing back these habitats will greatly benefit endangered plants and animals. By restoring the lake we will create a robust ecosystem in the heart of the Netherlands, which will play a key role in the national (and international) ecological network of habitats and species. Moreover, the lake will become much more attractive for water sports and nature lovers. The nature islands of the Marker Wadden will be accessible to the public.

The Marker Wadden is one of the biggest nature restoration projects in western Europe, aiming to restore an area of up to 100 square kilometres. This project is made possible in part by the Dream Fund of the Dutch National Postcode Lottery.